Burning The Fat - 9 Tips To Burn More Fat
1. Always Be Active
When we're active, we not only feel better, but we allow our body to work the way it's supposed to work, and the natural result is to burn fat.
Walking is one of the best things that you could do. But if you find that too boring, dance, play yard games or find a simple sport that you enjoy.
2. Drink Only Healthy Things.
The #1 is water.
Green Tea is another good thing to drink and can actually help your metabolism and help your weight loss.
By all means, stay away from any sugar drinks, including high fructose corn syrup soda.
3. If You Crave Sweets, Satisfy That Craving With A Little Fruit.
Some people will say, "Have just a little bit of that candy or cake or sugar of some kind." I disagree. The smallest amount can sometimes trigger an even greater craving as it courses through your bloodstream.
4. Remember That Variety Is The Spice Of Life.
This is true of your diet as well. Don't, out of convenience, have the same foods over and over until you're so bored, you break out and eat things that you shouldn't be eating.
5. Eat Slower.
Eating fast is a habit hard to break for some people, but it's well worth breaking. When you eat slow, your body has a chance to digest and let you know when it's had enough.
6. Enlist The Support And Encouragement Of Someone You Trust.
Make sure you let them know that you appreciate their encouragement for your weight loss. It may be a family member, a friend, or someone you work with.
7. Do Your Best To Keep Temptation Out Of Your Life.
If you're tempted to drink soda with sugar in it, don't have it in the house. Get rid of the candy and cakes and other detrimental foods.
8. Sit Down And Enjoy Your Meal.
This is an important companion to the tip about eating slowly. We sometimes have a habit of standing or watching television while we eat. There have been several studies which indicate that if we're watching television, we will eat considerably more food.
9. Find Reasons Why You Want To Lose The Fat.
I believe it helps to write them down. Visualize what it will be like when you've lost the fat that you want to lose. Picture in your mind how much better you'll look and feel.
You will increase your motivation to do that which you already know is best for your weight loss.